يونيبارتنر تنضم إلى القادة في مستقبل المنظمات: الأفراد والاستدامة والرقمية
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يونيبارتنر تنضم إلى القادة في مستقبل المنظمات: الأفراد والاستدامة والرقمية

Unipartner joined leaders from several organizations to explore the future of organizations and the role of people, sustainability and digital, and to hear the perspectives of recognized speakers on these topics.

We received the bestselling author David Schonthal, who came from Chicago to join our event, Luis Neves and Andres Ortolá to share their views, as well as Jaime Quesado who moderated a discussion between them and the audience.

We also welcomed Mister Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization, Mario Campolargo, who shared a positive outlook on the initiatives that are currently being accelerated.

في Unipartner ، نحن ملتزمون بدعم المؤسسات لتسريع استخدام Digital لإنشاء عالم أكثر مسؤولية واستدامة.

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